Tote Bag Painting

Explore your creativity on painting.


Imagine how nice it will be to have a wardrobe full of tote bags in a variety of colors and patterns that you adore!

Tote bags have become many people’s daily bag as it can be used to keep many things in it regarding the shape. The best point is that it’s convenient! When you are not using it, it’s easy to keep too. It doesn’t use up much space to store the bag as it can be folded. Draw your favorite drawings on the tote bag for yourself!

Minimum Pax:

10 People

Prices Start:

RM 150 Onwards

Online and Physical

Great for Remote Teams

Best For:

Company & Family Bonding

Activities Highlight & Objective

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Unleash Creativity

Participants can unleash their creativity and experiment with new recipes, of course with the safety instructions in mind. They can also demonstrate their creative talents when serving and decorating the dishes.


You have something you can take with you

By the end of your workshop, you will have something physical that you keep. Whether you want to give it to someone you love or display it in your home, it’s a thing you can be proud of and is guaranteed to make you smile.

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Improves work ethic

It can help develop a sense of responsibility, because the participants have to do a variety of tasks related not only to cooking, but also to safety and cleanup routines.


Explore your creativity

Creativity is precious especially in this fast paced era. Most people do not have the time to explore their creativity due to their busy work, whether at the workplace or at home. In this workshop, you have a chance to explore your creativity, and find out how truly creative you are!

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Fun hands on experience

Develop the fine motor skills with the help of activities such as chopping, cutting, kneading, mixing, pouring, rolling, whisking, etc. They’ll also get hands-on experience with tools and utensils that will be useful throughout their lives.


Having Fun while Learning

Fun has a positive effect on motivation levels, determining what we learn and how much we retain. Learning isn’t a one-off event. It requires repetition and dedication. If the experience is fun, learners will stay curious and keep coming back for more. Learning needs fun, if learning isn’t fun, it won’t be effective.

Our Package

It is a great way to teach hands-on skills as it gives learners an opportunity to try out new methods and fail in a safe environment.

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Package Details

Our Package Includes

Duration: 2 Hours Experience including setting up & de-brief

Tote Bag Painting Kit deliver straight to your doorstep

Materials Included:
1 canvas bag volume 5 oz.,
1 brush,
1 bottle black color
3 tracing design

Minimum Pax: 10

Instructors: Professional Live Facilitation Included

100% Online: Great for Remote Teams and Working from Home

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Can I use my own brush?

Yes, of course, you can use your own brush.



Can I paint on my own tote bag?

Painting on your own tote bag is allowed, but it is recommended to paint on the tote bag we provide as some tote bag materials may not be suitable for painting.



Can I draw my pets on the tote bag?

Of course! The more unique, the better.

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